AAP Foundation Research awards.
Application Deadline: June 1
A $20,000 fellowship will be awarded annually to one or more individuals through a generous grant from Dr. Colin Richman. Fellowship applicants must be a periodontist resident, orthodontist resident or young faculty member with five or fewer years in academia at an accredited institution.
The 2024 recipients of the The Richman Family Foundation Scholarship are:
Karim El Kholy, DDS, MS, Dr Med Dent, DMSc, Columbia University
Yi-Chu Wu, DDS, MS, Ohio State University
ShinJung (Amber) Hsieh, DDS MS, Ohio State University
Application Deadline: June 1
The recipient of the Patty & Paul Levi Research Award receives a $5,000 award. Eligibility is restricted to predoctoral students being mentored by a periodontal faculty member in a dental school where there is a postdoctoral periodontal program. Immediate family members of the AAP Foundation Board of Directors, officers, and selection committee members are not eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Recipient History
The 2024 Patty and Paul Levi Research Award recipient is Joseph M. Montesano, DMD, Harvard University.
Application Deadline: June 1
The American Academy of Periodontology Foundation supports resident research in the field of periodontology through the Robert S. Schoor Research Award Program, a $2,000 annual award for resident-written manuscript. A wide range of research subjects that are significant to the clinical practice of periodontology will be supported. The program is named in memory of Robert S. Schoor, DDS, a champion of periodontal education and students. He served as Director of the Advanced Program in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry, President of the American Academy of Periodontology, and Examiner of the American Board of Periodontology. He also served as a Captain in the United States Air Force.
Recipient History
The 2024 AAP Foundation Schoor Research Award recipient is Aziz M. Saqr, DDS, MSD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Application Deadline: June 1
The $10,000 Dr. James T. Mellonig Regeneration Research Award recognizes excellence in original research by a resident or recent graduate in the specialty of periodontics that advances clinical therapies in periodontal regeneration. The research may deal with any aspect of hard or soft tissue regeneration that advances or supports clinical therapies in the natural dentition or with dental implant use. Applicants must have completed original research in the field of periodontal regeneration, and have produced a manuscript that has been accepted for publication, if not already published. This award was created with a generous contribution by Dr. Jo Rummelhart, in honor of her mentor Dr. James T. Mellonig. Dr. Mellonig served in the US Navy for 20 years, directed the Navy's Advanced Educational Program in Periodontics and is professor emeritus of dentistry and former director of the Advanced Education Program in Periodontics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Recipient History
The 2024 Dr. James T. Mellonig Regeneration Research Award recipient is Kaleb Clark Esplin, DDS, MS, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Application Deadline: June 1
The $20,000 Nevins Teaching and Clinical Research Fellowship was created to address the retention of top periodontal clinical researchers and educators early in their careers. This Fellowship is intended to provide personal funding and support to those individuals who may be facing educational debt while striving to establish themselves in an academic role. The award was created by generous donors in honor of Myron Nevins, DDS, a leader in periodontal clinical research. Full-time periodontal educators who have been teaching at least one, and not more than five, full-time academic years at US programs are eligible to apply. Applicants must be board certified in periodontology.
Through a generous gift from BioHorizons, a second Fellowship will be awarded; all of the application criteria will remain the same.
Recipient History The 2024 Nevins Teaching and Clinical Research Fellowship was awarded to Muhammad H Saleh, BDS, MSD, University of Michigan.
The 2024 Nevins Biohorizons Fellowship was awarded to Chia-Yu (Jennifer) Chen, DDS, DMSc, Harvard University.
If you have additional questions regarding any AAP Foundation Awards, please contact:
Ariel A. Medoff, MA, MLIS
Awards Coordinator
American Academy of Periodontology Foundation
737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 800-282-4867, ext. 3254 or 312-573-3254
“I feel better and better each day that I teach. I consider myself a privileged individual for having a job that I love in a wonderful institution. At the same time, having the ability to positively influence the careers and lives of the students with whom I interact makes it feel even better. My own personal experiences as a student helped me understand the importance of mentorship, therefore, I try my best to inspire and support pre- and post-doctoral students alike. I think my progression over the past two years has been tremendous in part because of the peace of mind afforded by the AAP Foundation Teaching Fellowship I was awarded in 2011; I can focus on being the best teacher and researcher I can be without worrying about finances,” says Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, MS, PhD.
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Congratulations to Fatemeh “Flora” Momen-Heravi, DDS, PhD, (2017 Educator Scholar, 2018 Dr. D. Walter Cohen Teaching Award Recipient) assistant professor of dental medicine at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, who was named the 2020 recipient of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) Anne D. Haffajee Fellowship. The award provides early-career women researchers in the field of oral biology with financial support for training and research activities that will advance their academic careers. Read more here.